Sunday, October 10, 2010

Waiting for Ava...

I thought for sure Ava would be here by now, but I guess she is not ready. The doctor told me on thursday that my blood pressure was high and I was on bedrest until she was born. I was really disappointed and I felt like I had done something wrong but she said it wasn't my fault. So I've just been laying around feeling lazy. Whenever I get up and do anything even if it's just loading the dishwasher or taking a shower my blood pressure shoots way up. So I have been laying down alot. And becuase I've had such a hard time sleeping and I can only sleep one way, Adam has been sleeping on the couch to try to help. So it's kindof frusterating but I want Ava to be safe. The doctor said that as soon as I was dialted some she would put me in the hospital and induce me. If I had been dialated when she checked on thursday she would've induced me but I guess if you induce when you aren't dialted there is more chance for a csection-which we don't want. I go back on monday to get checked again and if my blood pressure is up still and the 24 hr urine test is bad then she will probably induce. So hopefully I will be dialted so everything will go normally and she will be safe in my arms<3

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