Monday, October 18, 2010

First few days with Ava

It already seems like time is going by too fast. I can't believe she's already 4 days old. I'm sitting here trying to type quickly cuz I don't know how much time I have before she gets unhappy sitting in the boppy next to me and wants to be held :) Well friday and saturday morning(our last few days at the hospital) were stressful and happy at the same time. I was still in alot of pain and Adam was going back and forth alot trying to get some sleep and taking care of the dogs so I was alone alot. Ava's had a really hard time breastfeeding and it has taken alot of patience and resolve to stick with it. They attatched a little tube thing to a syringe with formula and after she would latch on they stuck the little tube in the side of her mouth so that when she sucked on me Adam would squeeze the syrynge so she would think that she was getting all that milk out of me. She gets very impatient because my milk isn't in yet and doesn't like having to suck very hard. She lost a little weight which concerned them so they are making me wake her up to feed her all the time and really trying to get her to eat alot. She has done alot better the last few feedings today-didn't even need the tube and although I'm super sore it makes me happy that she is finally getting it.
Going home from the hospital was exciting but scary at the same time. What would I do without those nurses to answer every question and help me feed her? What if she wouldn't breastfeed at all? But I also couldn't wait to have her safe at home. We came home saturday night and had kindof a rough night. She was very fussy and has had alot of gas and constipation so it's hard for her to be calm. And just to get her to breastfeed for 10 minutes took an hour. But we made it through the night taking turns holding her while sleeping. I have beeen sleeping in the chair in the living room because of the pain and Adam came out her on the couch for half the night so she could sleep on his chest. Got about 4 hours which I think is pretty good considering what I've had since I've been pregnant.
Today was so much better and even through all the pain and stress I would do it a thousand times over. I never though it was possible to be this happy and content and to love someone more then I already love Adam. Adam and I have never been closer and although we have both been cranky and said a few mean things we both love Ava so much and have been equally taking care of her. Adam is an amazing dad and now that she's getting a little better breastfeeding he's kindof upset that he can't help feed her. He rocks her and burps her and changes alot of diapers. I love waiting him with her and when I look at the two of them I just want to put a big bubble around them to protect them from everything.
I already feel like she's growing up so fast and I'm just trying to take it all in and enjoy her being so little. I can't wait to feel better and to get her on a schedule and breastfeeding better so we can enjoy so much more.
And something else that I can't believe I forgot to mention is how amazing my mom is-I don't know what I would do without her here. I hope that Ava will look at me the same way. <3


  1. I had the exact same trouble with Will. Just stick with it and she'll be feeding like a champ in no time. Pretty soon it will be second nature. She is so beautiful!

  2. Thanks:) She's getting better slowly but surely I just wake her up when it's time to eat and she's starting to get the hang of it thank goodness:)
