Friday, October 15, 2010

She's finally here!!

I can't believe that after all this waitng my baby girl is finally here! So since I know everyone will ask I will just start the story from the beginning to now. So yesterday(October 13th) I went to another doc visit at 2:15. I hadn't had anymore contractions since that monday and my blood pressure hadn't been outrageous so I thought she would just check me and then see me again on friday. But my blood pressure was super high at the office and when she checked me she said my cervix was starting to dialate just a tiny bit and since my blood pressure was so bad she wanted me to go straight over and check in. I was in so much shock because I couldn't go home and she told me that they would induce me that night and I guess I just wasn't prepared for that and if you know me you know I'm anal and like to be prepared for everything. So we go across the street to check in and when they got me all settled and everything they said my heart rate was crazy because I was in so much shock I guess. I finally calmed down and Adam went home to take care of the dogs and get my stuff. While he was gone they put this pill in my cervix to help me dialate. I started contractions pretty much right away. They were manageable at first but got alot worse and wouldn't let up-I had no break in between they were just one after another. At around 7:30-8:00 they were getting really unbearable. At about 2 they tried to give me an IV pain medicine but it  just made me throw up a bunch which was not fun since I was having so many contractions at the same time. I was not allowed to get up to pee because her cord was in front of the cervix and they didn't want her to get tangled and I was in so much pain I couldn't wait so they had to cath me with no pain medicine. I really I was about 3 centimeters at the time and the contractions were still not letting up so I made the decision to get the epidural. I finally got the epidural about 4:00am. It was not as near as bad as I thought and compared to all the pain I had been in was nothing. even though she had to stick me twice. The first hour after the epidural was amazing. Completely numb didn't feel any contractions. Then I started to feel contractions pretty painful so she came back and adjusted my medicine and although I could still feel them it was way more bearable and mostly pressure. So when the nurse checked me again at about 8:00  was 10 cent. + so although I was completely exhausted,Ava was finally ready! The doctor came and by the time everything was set up, I started pushing at 8:30 and had a hard time breathing so I was on oxygen whilepushing, and I threw up multiple times but she finally gt here at 9:19 and I saw the whole thing in the mirror which ws absolutely amazing even though some people think its gross. I only had a little bit of tearing and although it was a little frusterating because she had swallowed muconium?sp and I couldn't see her for the first 10 minutes or so I finally got to hold her and I couldn't stop the tears. Thanking God that she and I were ok. Seeing Adams face when he held his little look alike made me feel like my heart would burst. I haventreally slept-been in alot of pain and shes bee a litte fussy but it was all worth it to have been able to bring a precious life into this world<3


  1. I am so glad she is finally here. You are already an amazing mommy. I'm happy to hear baby and mommy are both healthy. I hope the pain eases up soon! Enjoy :-)

  2. thanks girl-every little thing makes it all worth it<3
