Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm really gonna be a momma

Looking at my maternity pictures today really got to me. I can't believe that that is me in the pictures all..."pregnant" lol :D It just doesn't feel like it's been that long since I was a little kid and even since I've been in highschool. I look at Adam and I in the pictures and I can't believe how much we have grown up together. I can't believe that we are actually having a baby and we are mommy and daddy. We have been through so much and I'm so lucky that God has given me the ability to have a baby and to get to share it with the love of my life. Sometimes life seems so stressful that you don't stop and realize how blessed you are. I have been through alot but I am so blessed to be Adam's wife and now Ava's mommy. I just can't wait to finally see her face that I have been imagining for so long<3

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