Friday, February 25, 2011

On to bigger things

I  just finished organizing Ava's clothes and things that she no longer can fit into into boxes for the next one, separated into only girl stuff and the stuff that could be used for a boy. As stupid as this sounds, because she's not getting married or anything yet, it brought tears to my eyes to see how small she once was. The tiny little outfit I brought her home it that once swallowed her up, her little socks and hospital hats. The onsies that she could probably fit one chunky leg into. Lately it seems like everything is changing with her. New diaper sizes, constantly growing out of the clothes, eating from a spoon, sitting up, talking. Every morning when she wakes me up for breakfast and I go into her room to get her out of her crib I feel like she grew bigger overnight and that she weighs more then she did the day before. I love the Ava I have now, I love that she is a little person with her own personality, but I also miss that tiny little baby that fit so easily into one arm. I feel like I just want to freeze time and just stare at her and take it all in. Someday she will not need me anymore, wont want all my kisses, someday she will be gone living her own life. But right now she is my little  baby and i'm soaking up everything from changing diapers to getting to pick out what she wears, all the kisses, her crying for me when shes with someone else, and the smiles she gives me when i talk and she turns towards me, looking for her momma<3

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