Monday, February 7, 2011

4 months old already???

I'm sitting here looking at my "little" girl and she doesn't look so little anymore. She is now officially in size 2 diapers and looking at newborn diapers just makes me shake my  head in disbelief that she ever wore those. Everyone always says it goes so fast and it so does. I love the stage she's in-she talks to you and laughs all the time and loves when I read to her but it's a far cry from the little newborn who laid in my arms sleeping and drank a measly ounce at a time. Last week she weighed 12/10 and 25 in long. that's more than 5lbs heavier than at birth and 4.5 inches longer. She has outgrown so many clothes already(which I will save for maybe another girl in a year or so). I look at her and I can't remember even being pregnant or how her kicks inside my belly felt. I love sharing things with her-she loves going on walks, me reading books to her, watching the dogs play, being in the wrap watching me clean around the house. I try to soak up every minute(even the blowouts that require a bath) because I know that all too soon she will be off to school and then her friends and then the all dreaded teenager stage. Although it's frustrating being so broke and having to deal with so many hard situations, I thank God so much that it was in his plan for me to be able to stay home with my little girl and watch her grow. And also that Adam has been able to stay home mostly has been a blessing in disguise as not being able to find a job. God has brought me through so many things and blessed me with a beautiful daughter that I have been able to be with 24/7 and watch grow these past 4 months and I love every minute of it<3

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