Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Breast is best

Breast is best, breast is best, breast is best. That's all you hear. And yes I do agree that breastmilk is the best if you can breastfeed and although it is not easy and painful for awhile the bonding and the feeling of feeding your child the way God intended is amazing. I do not look down on people who have tried breastfeeding and switched to formula although I have met quite a few judgemental people that act like you are a bad mother if you use formula. It is very hard and painful for some people and doesn't get alot easier even as the months go by. That is how it has been for me. And I have almost given it up so many times but the few times I have given her bottles when I have been sick or something I missed breastfeeding her. I can't explain it but although it has been very frustrating and I wish it could be super easy like other people have told me, it's something that I can't give up.
   But the thing that I have been thinking about lately that really frustrates me is the fact that although they push people to breastfeed in alot of ways it is easier to formula feed. From the first time I breastfed Ava it was difficult. She wasn't latching on or eating so the nurses had to help me and the put a ilttle tube of formula in the side of her mouth while I was feeding her so she would learn to eat but still get sustenance since she wasn't getting much breastmilk out. It was very time consuming and although I had a few very patient nurses some just said to give her formula it would be easiest. They give you free formula at the hospital and the peds office and you get plenty of great coupons in the mail. And if you go to the health dept. you can get tickets for all the formula you want for free.then all you have to get is bottles which arent very much and anyone can feed the baby. If you are breastfeeding you not only have to deal with all the pain and discomfort but you have to do all the feeding and cant have a break unless you want to pump which isnt fun and you are going to pay at least 60$ for one. You have to buy bottles for that too and also breastpads and a nursing bra which by the way most stores dont have and walmart only has 2 kinds. They are very uncomfortable. You will definitely need cream because they get cracked and probably a shield so you aern't in horrible pain when they are learning. You will also probably get thrush so you will need prescriptions for that too.They do offer some classes that help with breastfeeding but most at cost. La Leche league isn't free either.
   I love breastfeeding Ava but it frustrates me how it is pushed but you don't see the health dept. handing out nipple cream and nursing pads they are just giving you all the free formula you can get. That is why I think its wrong to judge mothers that choose to do formula because it is very difficult to breastfeed for some people and it's not as simple as just "pulling it out" as some people make it sound. It is one of the many loving sacrifices to your baby

1 comment:

  1. completely agree on all counts! Sorry it has been so very difficult....who knew something "natural" would not happen naturally!
