Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life as a momma

It feels like life is flying by a billions miles an hour. As you can tell by my lack of posting. Ava is growing so much. She has been smiling at me this week and laughed for the first time last night. She weighed 9/12 and was 23 inches today and I can't believe it. I just wanna freeze time and look at her forever. She is a pretty fussy baby-very spoiled wants to be held all the time and will scream bloody murder if she's not. So I got the moby wrap which helps alot since she loves being in somebody's arms- especially mine lol. She sleeps in her room every night which is nice. She doesn't like being in her bassinet so she just sleeps in the crib in her room. She is still waking me up every 3 hours but now she's eating 5oz instead of 3. Even when she wakes me up at night to eat and I'm so tired, getting to look into her eyes while feeding her is one of the best things in the world. She knows me and she knows my voice. And she knows that I am the one that feeds her and takes care of her. It is so much responsibility and is hard sometimes to have to be so responsible all the time but getting to be a mother is the most precious gift. I feel so lucky that God let me grow her inside me and take care of her for almost a year in my belly and now out here. Getting to dress her up in her little pumpkin outfit for halloween,  having her first thanksgiving with her, and getting to get our first tree with her is so irriplaceable. I know when you are younger you are always asked what you are thankful for and in highschool you have to write papers about it and you always found something nice to say. But I have never been more thankful for anything in my life besides my Savior coming to die for me. Letting me be a mother was the greatest give he could have given me and if you are a mother when you look into your childs eyes for the first time and even the 1000th and 100000000th time-you will understand. I get tears in my eyes when I look at her everyday and thank the Lord for my little blessing from heaven<3

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