Friday, June 17, 2011

Ava has done so much this past month and because of our laptop completely crashing I have not been able to keep up with it. Since the last time I wrote, Ava has eaten with a spoon a few times which was very messy but fun to watch her mind work and figure out how to do it.

She also had her first "boo-boo." She was sitting on the couch with Adam and all of a sudden decided to dive for the remote on the coffee table and hit her head. It was one of the worst moments since she was born. I hated for her that she was hurt and crying and I just held her tight and told her it was ok and tried to comfort her. Of course Adam felt awful and stayed by her crib watching her for hours after she went to sleep. I had to put a little bandaid on so it wouldnt get infected. :/ Felt like a horrible parent.       

Another thing I did this month was make my own babyfood for the first time. It was more work then it's worth I think but maybe it's because I can't afford a nice big contraption I just have a little grinder thing from target but it was kindof fun and felt good to make something for her since I'm not breastfeeding anymore. I made strawberry banana and I tasted it, it is pretty good:)

 Adam had a business trip this month kind of last minute so Ava and I went along to get out of the house. We went to the Billy Graham library which was free and it was great. Very stroller friendly and when I had to take Ava out for a few min, they kindly invited me back in.                                                    

in front of it

The sower planting his seeds on solid ground

Yesterday Ava said momma:) She was in her highchair yelling to eat and said it. I dont know if she knows what she was saying but I don't care, she said it because she wanted me to come get her. I told adam when she was really little that I had a dream she would say momma first and she did:)

Lately she has developed a very strong personality. Very whiny and has to have her way. When I say no she gives me this I don't care what you say look and says, "hmmph" It is these times that I am so glad I plan to have more children because she would be such a spoiled brat if she were the only one. When we picked her up from the nursery at church the other day they said she was a "diva" and when she was playing with a toy if another kid tried to take it away from her she started screaming. I will not put up with that and she knows very well what no is but when daddy comes home no is too "mean." The moms are always the bad guy I guess:)

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